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本文主要为大家介绍How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter),下面一起来看看具体内容吧。


How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)



How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)



How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)



How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)



How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)


How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)



How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)



3_20160510102536101_thumb.jpg" width="502">

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  选中当前图层,右键选择 栅格化图层样式


How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  选中 复制的 新图层, 选择 滤镜 -其它 -高反差保留

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  在弹出的窗口中 把 半径设为15,点击 确定 按钮

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  把图层混合模式设为 叠加

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  选中 这两图层,

  右键点击 合并图层


How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)


How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  ctrl+t 选中, 把图片旋转 45度

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  对图片进行 拉伸, 调整为如下效果

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)

  ctrl+l 调出 色阶,参数设置

How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)


How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)


关于How to easily create a cool line effect video with a ps filter(How to easily create a cool line effect with a ps filter)的介绍到这里就结束了,了解更多办公软件知识可以收藏我们的网站,我们将为你提供更多精彩内容。


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