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本文主要为大家介绍How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video),下面一起来看看具体内容吧。


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)



How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

4、点击新建参考线后,在弹出的新建参考线界面,其方向选择水平。在其位置输入25 作为值。然后单击“确定”。

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

5、这里我们需要将画布分成4等份,所以我们需要新建4条水平参考线和4条垂直参考线。然后在“视图”菜单中单击“新建指南”。这里先设置水平参考线。单击Horizontal,将其Position 设置为50,然后单击OK。

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

6. 创建两条新的参考线后,还需要再创建一条新的参考线。同样在View菜单中点击New Reference Line,在弹出的界面中选择Horizontal,设置其位置值为75,点击OK。

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

alt="How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)" height="433" src="//img0.pconline.com.cn/pconline/1704/10/9072512_2015092410391583_thumb.jpg" width="502">


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

  10、绘制作好之后,把前景色设置为黑色。按着键盘上的alt+delete进行填充。把制作好后的形状再按着键盘上的ctrl+j 复制一层。

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)

How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)


关于How to combinate patterns and background pictures in PS (How to combin patterns and background pictures in PS to create special effects video)的介绍到这里就结束了,了解更多办公软件知识可以收藏我们的网站,我们将为你提供更多精彩内容。


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