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本文主要为大家介绍How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters),下面一起来看看具体内容吧。


How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)



How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)


How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)


How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

4、然后重新新建一个图层,选择左侧菜单栏的画笔工具,画笔可以选择星形,或者圆形等,颜色也可以根据自己的喜好选择,然后随意涂抹, 并尽可能多的创建一个新层Several layers for different drop smears

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

5、然后我们在上面的菜单栏中选择window —— action,设置帧数,显示在哪一帧,显示在哪一层,打开该层所在的小眼,如果不需要则将小眼遮挡出现

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)


How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)

How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue subtitles (How to use PS make very beautiful and flashing sky blue letters)



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