1. 首页 > ps教程 > ps自带滤镜如何打造质感纹理背景效果(ps自带滤镜如何打造质感纹理背景图片)


本文主要为大家介绍How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps),下面一起来看看具体内容吧。


How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)


打开ps新建一个900*600像素的文件。 (文件大小可根据自己实际情况设置)

How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)

填色。 (颜色不限,可以根据自己的喜好或者需要来填充)

How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)

Ctrl+J复制背景图层,然后进入“滤镜-杂色-添加杂色”。 (参数设置视情况而定) 注意:一定要勾选底部的“单色”栏。

How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)

进入“滤镜”-“模糊”-“动态模糊”,角度为0,模糊半径为10-50px。 (具体参数设置视实际情况而定)

How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)

进入“滤镜”-“锐化”-“锐化”,设置图层混合模式为“柔光”,不透明度为10-60%。 (具体参数设置视实际情况而定)

How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)


How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)

How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)




关于How to create a textured background effect with the built-in filter of ps (How to create a textured background image with the built-in filter of ps)的介绍到这里就结束了,了解更多办公软件知识可以收藏我们的网站,我们将为你提供更多精彩内容。


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