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The Probability of Getting a Knife in CSGO Case Opening

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) is a popular first-person shooter game that offers players the opportunity to open virtual cases containing various in-game items, including knives. Knives are highly sought after by players due to their rarity and unique designs. In this article, we will explore the probability of getting a knife in CSGO case opening and the factors that influence your chances.

Understanding Case Rarity and Knife Drops

In CSGO, cases are classified into different rarity tiers, ranging from common to extremely rare. The probability of obtaining a knife is directly related to the rarity of the case. Generally, the more rare a case is, the higher the chances of getting a knife. However, it's important to note that the probability of getting a knife is still relatively low, even in the rarest cases.

The Role of Case Opening Mechanism

The case opening mechanism in CSGO is based on a random number generator (RNG) algorithm. This algorithm determines the outcome of each case opening, including the chance of receiving a knife. The RNG ensures that each case opening is independent of previous openings, meaning that your chances of getting a knife do not increase or decrease with each attempt.

Factors Affecting Knife Probability

While the rarity of the case plays a significant role in knife probability, there are other factors to consider as well:

  • Case Price: Generally, more expensive cases have higher chances of containing valuable items, including knives. However, this does not guarantee a knife drop, as the probability is still relatively low.
  • Case Demand: Cases that are in high demand among players may have slightly lower knife probabilities. This is because the game developers adjust the probabilities based on market demand to maintain the value of knives.
  • Case Opening Volume: The more cases you open, the higher your overall chances of getting a knife. However, keep in mind that the probability remains the same for each individual case opening.

Understanding Knife Skins and Their Rarity

In addition to the knife itself, CSGO offers various knife skins that change the appearance of the weapon. These skins also have different rarity tiers, ranging from common to extremely rare. The rarity of the skin does not affect the chances of getting a knife; it only determines the visual appeal and market value of the knife.


Obtaining a knife in CSGO case opening is an exciting but challenging endeavor. The probability of getting a knife is relatively low, even in the rarest cases. Factors such as case rarity, price, demand, and opening volume can influence your chances, but ultimately, it comes down to luck. Remember to approach case opening as a form of entertainment rather than a guaranteed method of obtaining valuable items. Happy gaming!


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